Reply to Re: What's wrong with this HTML (fails validation) ?

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Posted by robert maas, see on 02/14/07 22:17

> From: "Andy Dingley" <>
> So close your elements with an end tag.

If I do that, validation fails. Should I just ignore validation failure??

> Quote your attributes.

Both the key and the value, which I believe is invalid:
<a "href"="http://...">
or just the value, as I already do?
<a href="http://...">

> Your code examples are one of the few cases when <pre> might well
> be appropriate, ...

Is there any way to have a code example like that with both the
preceding and following text directly adjacent to it, no blank line
either before or after the code example?

> > the pre element causes a blank line after each section,
> It does no such thing, nor does <p>. It causes the content to be
> rendered as a block within a box, and CSS might say that there's some
> margin space after this. That's a lot different from there being "a
> blank line afterwards". There is no line, there's only space after the
> line before.

Then please tell me how to get rid of the space after the line before!!!
I want it to look like this:

Again, there's no automatic newline after each output, so the 42 and
69 run together with each other as well as with the following shell
prompt. To force a line break (in the output) at any point, include
this statement: print "\n";. For example, to print 42 on a line by
itself, not run together with the next shell prompt, do this:
perl -e 'print 42; print "\n";'
and to print 42 on one line and 69 on another line, and move to yet
another line for the next shell prompt, do this:
perl -e 'print 42; print "\n"; print 69; print "\n";'

not like this:

Again, there's no automatic newline after each output, so the 42 and
69 run together with each other as well as with the following shell
prompt. To force a line break (in the output) at any point, include
this statement: print "\n";. For example, to print 42 on a line by
itself, not run together with the next shell prompt, do this:
perl -e 'print 42; print "\n";'

and to print 42 on one line and 69 on another line, and move to yet
another line for the next shell prompt, do this:
perl -e 'print 42; print "\n"; print 69; print "\n";'

You see the space (blank line of text) after the end of the first
<pre> block in the bad example? How do I get rid of that so it
looks like the good example which I concocted by editing out the
blank line because I don't know any way for HTML to generate it

> Learn some trivial CSS, ...

I already did, when I took that class that taught me crap.
CSS isn't available here over VT100 dialup into Unix shell, the
only net access I have here, so it's impossible for me to develop
any more CSS stuff, and even if I magically blindly guessed the
correct CSS it wouldn't work here.

> > And just that one fix makes it fail validation already!! How do I
> > force a line break, **without** a blank line, in the middle of a
> > paragraph, in transitional XHTML??
> <br />

That starts a NET, which is **not** the semantics I want!!

Note that all Web pages I develop must satisfy these requirements:
- Must render the way I want in lynx, the only Web browser available here.
- Must pass validation, so I don't get harassing crap from others.
- Should render the way I want in most other browsers too, but I
have no way to check that from here. So if something looks wrong
in your browser, after I already say it's fine from here, please
tell me what you think needs fixing that won't break lynx or

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