Posted by Greg D. Moore \(Strider\) on 02/15/07 18:48
<> wrote in message
> You mean logshipping could also do backup database and restore the
> databases to another server also?
Generally you have to do the initial backup/restore yourself.
I've written scripts in the past to do a full backup/restore but that was a
specialized case that I replaced with a log-shipping script the first chance
I got.
I'm still unclear why you want to go the full backup/restore route rather
than using log-shipping.
> On Feb 14, 7:36 pm, "Greg D. Moore \(Strider\)"
> <> wrote:
>> Generally you don't want to do a fullbackup/restore due to the time.
>> Is there a specific reasony ou want to do a fullbackup/restore rather
>> than
>> simply log-shipping?
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