Posted by Sonnich on 02/20/07 07:36
On Feb 20, 1:03 am, "Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorp...@cs.tut.fi> wrote:
> Scripsit jodleren:
> > I have a form, which has a comment after the text field, eventually a
> > button or something, then the text... the point, I was expecting to
> > align left when I set the last field to colspan=3.
> > The code below does not align as I want it too.. I think it is clear
> > when you see it...
> It isn't. Even after you posted the URL, you haven't said _what_ was it that
> you expected to align left and how (on which browser) it isn't aligned left.
> You have no align="left" attribute, though that's the default, and all the
> fields look very much left aligned to me on IE 7, except the very last cell
> where you have ALIGN=RIGHT in your code (and a semantically wrong P
> element - there's no paragraph there).
> --
> Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
I simply want the "comment" to be next to the input field.
I think it is funny, that in the lower row, the colspan works, and the
test here is really one, while the delete is colspan=3 and relly is so
(som 60% I'd guess).
The first row - I was expecting the text followed by an input field
and the last ~60% for the last <td colspan=3>, forcing the text next
to the input field.
On 2nd row, I would have expected it somewhat evenly 20% for each
<td>. Now it is more like: 10-50-25-5-15. The input is much wider,
that is my main issue.
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