Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 02/21/07 14:33
Scripsit eyal.herlin@gmail.com:
> i didn't see any reference to the dir attribute in the frames section.
> what confuses me is that <html dir="rtl"> is legal so why won't it be
> effective in the context of a frameset?
No good reason. When frames were invented by the &evil;, they didn't think
very much (otherwise they would not have invented frames) and almost surely
had no idea of internationalization. Later when frames were pushed into a
formal spec, it was dirty work and people didn't think too much.
Logically, a dir attribute on <html> _should_ affect the layout direction of
frames just as it affects the layout direction of tables, and <frameset>
_should_ allow the dir attribute. But things went differently, and it hasn't
bother people much since it really affects some multilingual sites only -
and only if they use frames.
> i will probably change the frames layout programmatically and later on
> move to no frames.
Why? The more work it takes to get rid of frames, the sooner you should
start with it. Just make sure you coordinate this with an overall redesign.
You know, separating content from presentation, moving all styling to CSS,
using HTML 4.01 Strict, checking accessibility and usability, etc. It's so
much easier to do a nice redesign once than different redesigns every year.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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