Reply to Loops all messed up

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Posted by paul on 06/28/05 18:39

I've been struggling with this for days. It prints all the images in a
folder followed by annotation from a text file in the folder with
matching name.txt and allows editing of those text files. The problem is
the second one gathers annotation from the first & when editing, it also
applies down one & doesn't update the current one till refreshed again.

Anyways I can't see what the heck is going wrong, I've looked at it too
long. Here is this simplified version as it runs on the server:

$imagedir = getcwd();
$key = 0;
###### process folder into arrays #######
while ($file = readdir($fh)){
if (ereg('.jpg|.JPG.|.jpeg|.JPEG|.gif|.GIF|.png|.PNG', $file)){
$basename = substr($file, 0, (strrpos($file, ".jpg")));
if (file_exists ("$basename.txt")){
$comments[] = file_get_contents("$basename.txt");
} else {$comments[] = "";}
if (isset ($_POST["comment"])){
if ($key == $_POST["count"]){
$handle = fopen ("$basename.txt", "w");
$comment = stripslashes($_POST["comment"]);
fwrite($handle, $comment);
fclose ($handle);
unset ($_POST["comment"]);
$pic_name[] = $file;
$getimagesize[] = getimagesize($file);
$imagesize[] = $getimagesize[0][3];
unset ($getimagesize);
$basename = substr($file, 0, (strrpos($file, ".jpg")));
if (file_exists ("$basename.txt")){
$comments[] = file_get_contents("$basename.txt");
}else{$comments[] = "";}
}# if a jpeg
}# while read dir

###### begin printing #######
$cnt= 0;
while ($cnt < $key){
$image = $pic_name[$cnt];
$basename = substr($image, 0, (strrpos($image, ".jpg")));
print "<center><img src=\""
." title=\"".$pic_name[$cnt]."\"";
print "\"><br></center>";
if (isset ($_POST["comment"])){
if ($cnt == $_POST["count"]){
$comment = $_POST["comment"];
} else {
$comment = $comments[$cnt];
print "<br>" . $comment. "<br><br>";
<form method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="edit_comment">
<input type="hidden" name="count"
print "value=\"" . $cnt . "\"";
<button type="submit">edit comment</button>
if (isset ($_POST["edit_comment"])){
if ($cnt == $_POST["count"]){
<form method="post">
<?# <input type="hidden" name="edit_flag2">
<input type="hidden" name="count"
print "value=\"" . $cnt . "\"";
<textarea name="comment" ROWS=6 COLS=60>
if (isset ($comment)){
print $comment;
<button type="submit">submit changes</button>
unset ($_POST["edit_comment"]);
unset ($_POST["count"]);
}# if count matches
}# gather new comments
} # end foreach processing image

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