Posted by pierre_marie_durand on 02/22/07 19:40
On Feb 21, 1:15 pm, p...@sigex.com wrote:
> have been testing performances of different scripting languages
> fordatabase access, text processing and client application data
> transfer. So far, I am getting better performance from PHP, but I
> don't have any hard data to back it up compared to others.
> This is a large project for theSigExFoundryand it involves hundreds
> of servers. I am looking for articles/studies/benchmarks on the
> subject.
> Thank you,
> Pablo
> Server Side Developer
> Student for theSigExFoundry
> funded bySigExVentures
Hi Pablo,
It's a good question. You want to really understand what you are doing
this benchmark for. In my opinion, you should go for the language that
fits your needs and focus on performance optimization for that
language. I would be more inclined to go with PHP, but that's a
personal choice. I'm sure you can search performance for these
languages and come up with lots of ressources on the web.
Pierre-Marie Durand
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