Posted by Rik on 02/23/07 21:20
Mike <mike@mjfcadsolutions.co.uk> wrote:
> Rik <luiheidsgoe...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Mike <m...@mjfcadsolutions.co.uk> wrote:
>> > Both work fine until tested with a user on an AOL ISP. The one und=
>> > 4.4.3 works perfectly but the one under 5.0.4 fails and the session=
>> > not carried accross to the new page.
>> > Any one have any clues why this would happen. Whats the changes/
>> > diferences between 4.4.3 and 5.0.4 that could effect this?
>> No change between 4.4.3 & 5.0.4 that could do this I'd think. =
>> Offcourse, 2
>> different severs mean 2 possibly different configurations. Compare th=
>> following settings:
>> session.name
>> session.cookie_lifetime
>> session.cookie_path
>> session.cookie_domain
>> session.cookie_secure
>> session.cookie_httponly
>> session.use_cookies
>> session.use_only_cookies
>> session.referer_check
>> session.use_trans_sid
>> url_rewriter.tags
> I've checked the differences above although a couple I couldn't find
> like session.cookie_httponly and session.cookie_secure.
> url_rewriter.tags is different thought...
> Version 4.4.3 =3D a=3Dhref,area=3Dhref,frame=3Dsrc,input=3Dsrc,form=3D=
> Version 5.0.4 =3D a=3Dhref,area=3Dhref,frame=3Dsrc,input=3Dsrc,form=3D=
> Would this make a difference and can it be changed with ini_set()?
I wouldn't think so. Is there a difference in the headers? Try to compar=
e =
headers_list() after the session_start() of the two.
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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