Posted by Thad on 02/26/07 00:46
"Adrienne Boswell" <arbpen@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Thad" <tsobota@cox.net> writing
> in news:0%nEh.37874$iE2.3107@newsfe10.phx:
>> ok...I can use an asp file to load my whole html page, no problem. The
>> problem is getting the asp file to print my menu within a table cell
>> which is already created by an html. Is there something wrong with
>> the following code? I may have the code right but my server is not
>> allowing my use of the asp file. Please let me know.
> Do you have asp on the server? What kind of OS do you have? If you
> have IIS6, ASP is not enabled by default and you have to enable it. See
> your server documentation for details.
>> asp file: test1.asp
> No DocType? New pages should be HTML Strict.
>><dl id="menu">
>><dt class="btn"><a href="carflags.html">Car Flags</a></dt>
> This looks a little strange, too. Usually, for a definition list, there
> is a term (dt) and a definition (dd). You probably want ul and li.
> Further, there is probably no reason on include class="btn" if you style
> the ancestor element correctly, that being the dl element in the above
> case.
Yes, ul or li may work just fine. Believe it or not, that was an expansion
of a sample from a book. Go figure. :)
> Okay, so your REAL markup is:
> <td id="topa">
> <b>Items Menu</b>
> <p>
> <dl id="menu">
> <dt class="btn"><a href="carflags.html">Car Flags</a></dt>
> </dl>
> </p>
> </td>
> In the first place, tds very rarely have an id - that's because an id
> can only be used once in one document, where a class can be used many
> times in the same document. Oh wait! You're abusing tables for
> positioning, aren't you?
Abusing, I don't think so...but using, yes. My page is tabled into three
cells left to right. To align the text and pictures I had to use id in the
td section of the table. Yes there may have been another way to do it but
this worked for me. Thanks tho. :)
> <div id="menu">
> <ul>
> <li><a href="somepage.html">Some Page</a></li>
> </ul>
> </div>
> You may want to look at alistapart's on taming lists.
>> -----------------
>> Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
> Includes are processed before any other server side script, so you want
> to also look at the HTML the asp script produced. If you see just
> <p><!-- #include file="test1.asp" --></p>, then your server is not
> processing the include directive at all.
Feeling like a fool at the moment. My server most likely does not support
asp for us users. I'm going to have to use php. Sorry for the confusion
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