Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 02/25/07 20:22
Oliver Marshall wrote:
> On Feb 25, 2:24 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> Oliver Marshall wrote:
>>> Hi chaps,
>>> I just need a widget of php if anyone has somethign similar to hand.
>>> I need to create a .php file that will take an input (&type=xxx or
>>> yyy), run a piece of javascript in the browser (its the google
>>> analytics javascript which i have here) and then send the user to
>>> download either Install1.exe or Install2.exe depending on the value of
>>> 'type'.
>> You can't use PHP to "run a piece of javascript on the browser". PHP is
>> server side and cannot cause anything to run on the client machine. The
>> best you can do is use PHP to generate Javascript code when must then be
>> run on the browser as any javascript would be.
>> And you won't be able to send them to the download page in addition to
>> running the javascript. You can either send them the javascript code or
>> you can send them to the download page - not both.
>>> At the mo, i have two links that link straight to one of two .exe
>>> files. However, to make analysis easier, i want to have those links go
>>> to a php page, which will run the javascript in the browser, thereby
>>> getting google to log the download of the file, and then 'redirect'
>>> the browser to download the correct file, so it appears seemlessly.
>>> Can anyone help ?
>> Maybe you can generate some additional JS code to do the redirect, but
>> it still won't be transparent.
>> Or you can implement your own logging mechanism in PHP and completely
>> forget about getting Google to do it for you.
>>> Olly
>>> --
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>> --
>> ==================
>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>> Jerry Stuckle
>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>> jstuck...@attglobal.net
>> ==================
> Surely you can use php to render a page containg the javascript code,
> and then include a javascript redirect to the .exe download required
> by the specified variable ?
(Top posting fixed)
You could do that. But the only PHP you would need for that would be to
insert a file name into the javascript, and perhaps insert the name of
the download page in the javascript redirect.
One or two echo statements - nothing more.
P.S. Please don't top post. Thanks.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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