Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 02/26/07 13:20
Jørn Dahl-Stamnes wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Well, first of all, you shouldn't be using addslashes. You should be
>> using mysql_real_escape_string(), especially since this is binary data.
> Try that to - does not work.
>> And when you say the data is different - exactly what is different about
>> the two? There could be lots of things going on here, and without
>> knowing what's different, it's impossible to say.
> I downloaded the same file from the same client to both the test- and the
> prod-server. The filesize is 7 bytes larger on the prod-server. Doing a
> diff on the two files (from the prod and the test-server) creates A LOT of
> output.
>> For instance - once uploaded, are the files exactly the same (before you
>> do anything to them)?
> Exactly the same.
>> Also, what charset is being used by MySQL?
> The data is stored in BLOB, which is, according to the manuals, pure binary.
> No character set is used. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
> I'm using "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_danish_ci" when
> creating the table.
I guess first of all I'm confused. Are you DOWNloading or UPloading the
files? There is a difference - and it's important!
And when the files get to the servers, you indicate there is a seven
byte difference. So it seems the problem is occurring even before MySQL
gets involved.
So, to start, how are you downloading/uploading the files to the server?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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