Posted by McKirahan on 06/30/05 00:21
<arbpen2003@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> This is driving me crazy. The markup is valid, the CSS is valid, I'm
> serving it right, and I still cannot figure out why I cannot get the
> cursor into the form element. I have tried on Opera, Firefox and IE -
> all the same.
> The url is question is http://www.american-loyalty-card.com/beta/ and
> the form in question is at the upper left hand corner. The legend is
> Select Location.
> I don't think this is a serverside issue, as it is not throwing any
> serverside errors, but I thought I would throw mspiag in case anyone
> there can see something obvious.
> Thanks in advance to anyone who can find out why this is occuring, and
> maybe how fix it.
> ASP Classic stuff:
> <%
> action = request.servervariables("script_name")
> if request.servervariables("query_string") <> "" then
> action = action & "?" & replace(request.querystring,"&","&")
> end if%>
> <div id="getcity">
> <p class="skipnav"><a href="#content">Skip to Content</a></p>
> <form action="<%=action%>" method="post" id="getcityform">
> <fieldset><legend>Select Location</legend>
> <table summary="Select Your Location">
> <thead>
> <tr>
> <th><label for="mycity" id="mycity1">City/Zip: </label></th><th><label
> for="mystate" id="mystate1">State: </label></th>
> </tr>
> </thead>
> <tbody>
> <tr>
> <td><input type="text" name="mycity" id="mycity" value="<%=mycity%>"
> size="10" /></td><td>
> <select name="mystate" id="mystate" style="width:4em">
> <option value="">Choose</option><%
> Set locationrs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
> getcitysql = "SELECT id, state_abbr FROM state ORDER BY id "
> 'Response.Write "<br />getcitysql: " & getcitysql
> locationrs.Open getcitysql, oConn
> while not locationrs.EOF
> getstateid = trim(locationrs("id"))
> getstate_abbr = trim(locationrs("state_abbr"))
> %>
> <option value="<%=getstateid%>" <%if getstateid = 6 and mystate= ""
> then%>selected="selected" <% elseif getstateid = mystate
> then%>selected="selected"<%end if%>><%=getstate_abbr%></option>
> <%locationrs.MoveNext
> wend
> locationrs.Close
> set locationrs = nothing
> %>
> </select>
> </td>
> </tr>
> </tbody>
> </table>
> <label for="remember" id="remember1"><input type="checkbox"
> name="remember" id="remember" value="y" <%if remember="y" or
> remember="" then%>checked="checked"<%end if%> /></label>Remember<br />
> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submitcity" />
> </fieldset>
> </form>
> --
> Adrienne Boswell
> http://www.cavalcade-of-coding.info
> Please respond to the group so others can share
What do you mean:
"I cannot get the cursor into the form element."
Do you want to assign focus to it on page load?
<body onload="focument.forms[0].mycity.focus()">
If not, please clarify.
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