Reply to Re: ajax.response max size

Your name:


Posted by Jeff North on 02/28/07 05:02

On 27 Feb 2007 15:12:53 -0800, in comp.lang.javascript
<> wrote:

>| Ok, Here is the code for what I am doing, and the ajax library being
>| used is SACK from I just
>| can't seem to pass more than about 6100 characters... Any ideas, or a
>| better way to go?

I recommend POSTing your form that way there is virtually no limit on
the input size.

>| <?php
>| //If some search criteria was sent
>| if(isset($_GET['searchCriteria']))
>| {
>| //////////////////////////////// DB
>| Connection ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>| include('./adodb/');
>| //Type of connection
>| $db = NewADOConnection('oci8');
>| //Sets the query results to come back as assoc arrays
>| $db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC);
>| //Make the connection
>| $db->PConnect('xxxxx', 'yyyyy', 'zzzzz');
>| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>| UPPER(NAME_DISPLAY) LIKE '".$_GET['searchCriteria']."%'");
>| $results = null;
>| while ($arr = $rs->FetchRow()) {
>| echo "obj.options[obj.options.length] = new
>| Option('".rawurlencode($arr["NAME"])."','".rawurlencode($arr["ID"])."');
>| \n";
>| }
>| exit;
>| }
>| ?>
>| <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
>| <!-- AJAX for processing customer name search -->
>| <script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js"></script>
>| <script type="text/javascript">
>| var ajax = new sack();
>| function searchInput(input)
>| {
>| //Set a variable to hold the value from the form input field
>| var searchCriteria = input.value;
>| //Empty results select box
>| document.getElementById('result').options.length = 0;
>| //If there is search criteria, then process
>| if(searchCriteria.length>0)
>| {
>| //Pass to php to process
>| ajax.requestFile = 'tst2.php?searchCriteria='+searchCriteria;
>| //Specify function that will be executed to display results
>| ajax.onCompletion = createResults;
>| //Execute AJAX function
>| ajax.runAJAX();
>| }
>| }
>| function createResults()
>| {
>| var obj = document.getElementById('result');
>| //Executing the response from Ajax as Javascript code
>| //Sent from php as an escaped string so must escape
>| alert(unescape(ajax.response));
>| eval(unescape(ajax.response));
>| }
>| </script>
>| <!-- END AJAX for processing customer name search -->
>| <table>
>| <tr>
>| <td><b>Customer Name:</b></td>
>| <td>
>| <input class="cust" id="search" name="search" type="text"
>| onchange="searchInput(this)">
>| </td>
>| </tr>
>| <tr>
>| <td>&nbsp;</td>
>| <td><select multiple size="10" id="result" name="result">
>| </select>
>| </td>
>| </tr>
>| </table>
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