Posted by J.O. Aho on 03/02/07 14:57
J.O. Aho wrote:
> Brian wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I'm trying to write a script that works out the day of week, goes back
>> to previous Monday, then removes a week and sets up 2 timestamps.
>> EG, if the day was Wednesday 28 Feb 2007 then is would work out that
>> the Monday was the 26, then remove 7 days to give me my start data and
>> add 6 days to give me my end date. So for Wednesday 28 Feb 2007 I
>> should end up with Mon 19th Feb to Sun 26th Feb
>> I have hit a problem, the way I am working it out all goes wrong at
>> the beginning of the month, bacuse of this
> Here is how you get the unixtime for Monday (00:00:00) and Sunday
> (23:59:59)
I missed it was supposed to be a week earlier, it's just subtract 7 more days
from $frommonday.
> /* How many days today is from Monday */
> $frommonday=date('N')-1;
> /* Monday. we use (todays month) and (todays day minus days from Monday) */
> $monday=mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('j')-$frommonday);
> /* Sonday, wse use (todays month) and (todays day plus max days to
> Sunday minus days from Monday)*/
> $sunday=mktime(23,59,59,date('m'),date('j')+6-$frommonday);
> So, do what you want with $monday and $sunday.
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