Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/03/07 02:52
affiliateian@gmail.com wrote:
>> I'm trying to help, but without the information I'm asking for, you make
>> it almost impossible to give you a good answer.
> Hey Jerry,
> First of all, know that your help is really appreciated. Being a
> newbie at coding, I am still trying to follow the lingo. Sorry about
> missing some info. Let me try it here.
> Running this:
> <?php
> $url=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'];
> $file=explode("/",$url);
> $filename=$file[(count($file)-1)];
> echo $filename . "<br>\n";
> echo "<pre>\n";
> print_r(file($filename));
> echo "</pre>\n";
> //$content = implode('', file($filename));
> preg_match("/<title>(.*)<\/title>/i", $content, $match);
> $title = $match[1];
> $link='edited-so-url-displays://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url='.
> $url.'&title='.urlencode($title);
> ?>
> <a href='<?php echo $link;?>'>Link to stumbleupon</a>
> Resulting HTML is:
> <a href='http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=&title='>Link to
> stumbleupon</a>
> Want to get this:
> <a href='http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=http://www.mydomain.com/
> file.html&title=Title of file.html'>Link to stumbleupon</a>
> How was that?
OK, so look at your code and what's different between what you get and
what you want?
Two things. First of all $url isn't displaying the correct info - so it
must be incorrect. What's in it? echo before your code and I suspect
you'll find it's empty. So maybe $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'] is incorrect,
Use print_r() to figure out what's in it.
The next problem is $title doesn't seem to contain the correct
information. But that's ok because your implode is commented out.
But notice that $filename in your implode() function call eventually
comes from $url, also.
Hmmm, two different problems, but both with the same source. What do
you want to bet $url doesn't have the information you want? echo it to
the display and see what it actually has.
BTW - I agree with Geoff. You need to develop some debugging
techniques. With some decent techniques you should be able to determine
the cause of your problem in 10-15 minutes, instead of a couple of days
trying to converse here on usenet.
That's not saying I won't continue to try to give you a hand here. But
you're going to need those techniques the more you program.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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