Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/03/07 02:54
zek2005 wrote:
> Hi!
> I´m trying to execute a query, but I receive an error ("error in
> executing"). The strange thing is that the $link sentence has no
> errors, so the connection is fine.
> $server="localhost";
> $database="mydatabase";
> $dbpass="mypass";
> $dbuser="myuser";
> $link=mysql_connect($server,$dbuser,$dbpass)
> or die ("couldn´t connect");
> mysql_query('update articulos set rank=rank + 1 where id=$id', $link)
> or die ("error in executing");
> Any suggestion?
> Thanks!
> Ezequiel
Yea, figure out what MySQL doesn't like about it. Check out mysql_error().
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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