Posted by Fred Atkinson on 03/03/07 03:10
On 2 Mar 2007 14:24:12 -0800, "shimmyshack" <matt.farey@gmail.com>
>I'm feeling a teeeny bit more generous than Steve, but you have a few
>basic terminology odds and ends to sort out before people will start
>"handing you" scripts, as we all know you'll be straight back with "it
>doesnt uite work" until we've spent far too much time on it, when
>there are millions of scripts that do this out there already.
>You need to be structured about this, what are the thumbnails called.
>If they are random go find a script that can build an array of
>filesnames from any given directory. That will be 3 or 4 lines long.
>Hoever if you know they are called thumb_001.jpg thumb_002.jpg then
>its easier because we know beforehand what's in the subDIRECTORIES
>(not subpages)
>then you need to make 2 more arrays,
>$arrSubDirs = array('bananas','oranges','apples');
>$arrSubSubDirs = array('aa','bb','cc','dd','ee');
>this again only works if you know ahead of time what they are and it
>doesnt keep changing, otherwise the same script that you got to show
>you a list of files inside a directory can be slightly modified to
>show only directories, see the manual for examples.
>next you need to build this into a function, which outputs the html
>src URL to go into the <img> tag and into the width and height
>Now how many times are you going to call this function , 5, 10, 20
>times, it will slow things down, how many files are there in these
>directories, 100, 1000, 10000000,
>you want to go in there ONCE and grab a random selection, not repeated
>go in there and get one each time, (or you might end up with a repeat
>and have to code for that case...)
>If yuo have say 100 thumbs go into dir, grab all the thumbs of
>type .jpg into an array,
>$arrayThumbDetails['path_and_name'][] = 'the filenames you get';
>and shuffle() the array, pick out the first however many you might
>need for your web page, the stat() them to get their width and height,
>and store them in the same array
>$arrayThumbDetails['width'][] = 'the width that stat returned';
>$arrayThumbDetails['height'][] = 'the height that stat returned';
>your function must therefore take in as values,
>the sub and subsub folder, the number of images you want back
>and must return an array of the relative path to the img names with
>the folders in front (like /orange/aa/thumb_asdd.jpg
>, widths and heights.
>so you would do this
>$arrayImageDetails = getImageDetails('orange','aa',10);
>Now you have a random array of 10 images with the widths and heights,
>you just need to get that into html form so you put this in the html
>src="<?php echo array_pop($arrayImageDetails['path_and_name']); ?>"
>height="<?php echo array_pop($arrayImageDetails['height']); ?>"
>width="<?php echo array_pop($arrayImageDetails['width']); ?>"
>alt="<?php echo
>basename(array_pop($arrayImageDetails['path_and_name'])); ?>"
>for each image, making sure that when you call the function at the top
>of the page you return at least as many image properties (we called
>10) as you will need html img tags.
>now you understand this isnt the most elegant or fast way, its just a
>way I thought you might understand, if you are a newbie, you could do
>worse - as steve pointed out graphically - that go get yourself a copy
>of the downloadable php extended manual for windows (I assume you are
>a windows user!) which has other php programmers helpful comments
>inside, and borrow some of the example code from this manual, good
And you certainly were much more couteous and respectful.
Thank you.
I wasn't expecting anyone to write all of that though I do
appreciate it. I was just hoping someone would know of a free or an
inexpensive pay script to solve my problem and give me a URL or
something to find it.
I'll look your coding over. Maybe I can figure it out well
enough to code it into my page. .
Regards, and thanks again,
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