Posted by Mike Russell on 03/04/07 08:06
You are missing the semi-colon after $_GET['newpoet']
To find problems like this, turn on diagnostics by adding this to the start
of your php files:
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
Big suggestion: consider using a debug environment - life will be much more
pleasant. It will take several days to set up, but I think you will find it
is well worth it. After looking at several, I use Eclipse with XDebug:
Bug 169408 - Support for XDebug:
(be sure to locate the pdf with detailed install instructions)
Eclipse PHP Project (PDT)
Mike Russell
<cpptutor2000@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>I am new to PHP and I am having a very odd problem. Could some PHP
> guru please help.
> I am passing some variables from one page to the next, and in the
> starting page, I have:
> <div id="navigation" align="center">
> <form NAME="addnewpoetpoemform" METHOD="GET"
> ACTION="addpoetpoem.php">
> <table align="center">
> <tr>
> <td width="20%">Poet Name:</td>
> <td width="80%"><input TYPE="text" NAME="newpoet" SIZE="30"
> MAXLENGTH="30"></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td width="20%">Poem Name:</td>
> <td width="80%"><input TYPE="text" NAME="newpoem" SIZE="30"
> MAXLENGTH="30"><$
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td align="center"><input TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Add Poet and
> Poem"></td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </form>
> When the receiving page opens I can see, in the URL text box the
> values that have been passed in.
> However, I am unable to echo these values. If I have:
> <table>
> <tr>
> <td>
> <?php
> // import_request_variables(gP,"");
> $recdpoet=$_GET['newpoet']
> $recdpoem=$_GET['newpoem'];
> if(isset($recdpoet) and strlen($recdpoet) > 0)
> echo $recdpoet;
> ?>
> </td>
> </tr>
> The page opens completely blank. What might be
> going wrong? I have tried uncommenting the above line, but it does not
> work.
> Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
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