Posted by buzz on 03/06/07 05:38
Hello most excellent and knowledgable PHP gurus
i have a small question regarding accessing elements in a cursor which
i hope is ok to ask,.
the following code works and i'm very pleased with myself
$the_cursor = OCINewCursor($conn);
$stmt2 = OCIParse($conn, "begin
gi_rio_api.get_road_asset_data_headers(:myset); end;");
OCIBindByName($stmt2,":myset",&$the_cursor ,-1,OCI_B_CURSOR);
while (OCIFetchInto($the_cursor,&$myset,OCI_B_CURSOR))
$column_name = $myset[1]; //
$column_desc =$myset[0];
$column_array [] = array( $column_name,$column_desc);
however, the database weenies tell me that they'll eb modifying stuff
onthe fly so i cant count on correct index values
how do i change the above code so i can access the fields in the
cursor by column name?
i'd ideally like to just put something like
$column_name = $myset['COLUMN_NAME']; ..etc
what am i missing which would solve my quandry?
regards and than you's
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