Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/06/07 22:09
shror wrote:
> hi,
> i am building a small mail form system that i want to make it safe as
> much as i can, so i added a ramdomly generated 4 characters that my
> user have to enter in the corresponding text box so that if he entered
> these characters correct the mail is sent if not the error message
> appear.
> what i have:
> 1- i used a randomly generated 4 characters
> 2- text bex for the user to enter the randomly generated variables
> 3- if else statement:
> my if...else code
> if ($UserEnteredText == $RandomText){
> echo "correct";
> }
> else{
> echo "wrong";
> }
> my problem:
> always the code echos wrong message, which means that i have a problem
> that i dont know what is it.
> so please help me
> I really need your help ASAP
> Thanks in advance
> shror
What's in $UserEnteredText and $RandomText when you make the test? Echo
them to the window to find out.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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