Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/07/07 11:22
Justin wrote:
>> Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>>> er... the requirement from my 3rd party provider is that i have to
>>>> reply -1 once receive the parameters from them.. so i put echo -1. is
>>>> there any other way to send instead of echo? the redirecting part is
>>>> something i wan to add on... it's not in the API they provided...
>>> OK, you have to respond with a -1. But once you send ANY output, you
>>> can't use a header() call.
>>> header() must be called before the headers are sent to the browser. And
>>> any output - even white space - will cause the headers to be sent. So
>>> you can either send a response or do the redirect. But the HTTP
>>> protocol (not PHP) won't let you do both.
>> Allthough...
>> You can have a header redirect & output, I'm a bit fuzzy on wether this is
>> actually allowed with the HTTP protocol, but for instance, I can disable
>> automatic redirects (yes, also header redirects) in Opera, and I'll see
>> the content that comes next. So I see no practical reason why you cannot
>> send a redirect header & some content, as long as you set the header first
>> in PHP. There is a reason it's so often advised to die()/exit() after a
>> redirect statement.
>> --
>> Rik Wasmus
> Dear Jerry,
> You fully understand the situation im in right now... Mayb i will
> elaborate more on this.
> My application is to correspond with a mobile provider gateway
> using HTTP calls. And meta refresh is not allowed.
> Initially i din have to do any redirect as the process is actually
> very simple. Once a mobile user register the service with their mobile
> phone, the provider will call/send in the parameters to my
> page(assuming receive.php). And upon receiving the parameters, i need
> to echo "-1"; to the provider so a standard message will be sent out
> to the registrant. The -1 is a requirement from my provider. So they
> only recognized this. (according to their API). The reason why i have
> to redirect is because some registrant might not be providing enough
> information, so i did a strlen($sms) on the sms receive to see how
> many characters is there and therefore determine whehter the info is
> complete or not... So there are 2 situations, complete info and
> incomplete info. Both i will reply -1 for them to receive the standard
> sms but only those with incomplete info will receive a customized msg
> from my side. That's the thing. If i put on the same page, those with
> incomplete msg cant receive anything ask the provider only recognized
> -1 for the registration process.... Thanx.
> On Mar 4, 7:21 am, Rik <luiheidsgoe...@hotmail.com> wrote:
(Top posting fixed)
OK, so the registrant is coming through a provider to register with you.
The provider sends you some information and you respond with "-1".
The provider then sends a standard message to the registrant.
But you can't redirect the registrant because they aren't talking to you
in the first place. They're talking to the provider.
So how do you send a customized message to them?
Additionally, the fact this is coming from a cell phone is *very
relevant* and new information. It makes a huge difference. Most cell
phones don't have all the "bells and whistles" of regular browsers.
P.S. Please don't top post. Thanks.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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