Posted by SpaceGirl on 03/08/07 11:49
On Mar 5, 1:11 am, Onideus Mad Hatter <use...@backwater-
productions.net> wrote:
> On 28 Feb 2007 07:59:24 -0800, "SpaceGirl"
> <nothespacegirls...@subhuman.net> wrote:
> >I did tell you this who parameter passing way of indexing was a bad
> >idea :) Now you're starting to see some of the reasons why! You could
> >do all of this with NO reloading if you wanted. Get away from passing
> >querystring params, it's just a headache IME :*(
> ...um...how do you propose it be done without reloading? Aside from
> the obvious (creating your own custom bookmark button).
> Do some javascript embedded in Flash like nyah:
> :bookmarkurl="http://www.myurl.com"
> :bookmarktitle="My Url"
> :if (document.all)
> :window.external.AddFavorite(bookmarkurl,bookmarktitle)
> That'd work...except if they try to bookmark it themselves...mmm...not
> gonna work so good. *shrugs*
Don't think that works in FireFox or IE7 (breaches the security
model). I've not tried so I maybe wrong.
I'm not sure HOW I'd do it personally - I'm not sure I'd try; if you
have a full-page Flash program, bookmarking is pretty much out of the
question. What you COULD do is provide your own bookmarking mechanism
inside your Flash movie (the user can click a button inside the movie,
which populates an MC with reusable bookmarks inside the Flash movie
itself). You can then use a cookie to identify a returning user. I
think that's how I'd do it. Another trick we've used here is using
folders to id content. / = the main site (Flash) /gallery = gallery,
but actually passes back to the main Flash which then internally loads
the gallery MC /contacts ... etc. You get the idea. This means when
firing out mailers we can say: "visit http://www.<somedomain>.com/gallery/
for the latest updates!" or something; pseudo-bookmarking if you like.
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