Reply to Re: Bookmark and/or URL Manipulation

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Posted by Steve on 03/08/07 21:05

| Try doing that without XML... it'd require MUCH more code. With the
| code I have above, I barely have to modify anything if the XML
| changes. It generates x number of clips, titles them etc from a single
| XML document (which in turn can be a dynamic page that populates the
| XML from a database). With a single tweak I can change the code from
| using XML (from a URL) to use a Web Service. It would be a nightmare
| trying to do this through para passing.
| Okay your turn... post how to do this without XML, and less code,
| that's easier to follow. Bet you can't :)

he can't do it *with* xml. i shudder to think of what heaps of spaghetti his
code resembles. ;^)

but hey, if he thinks flash is powering the majority of technology, let him
stay in the dark. as for the rest of us who are professional
developers...we'll work with the tools best suited for a job - and that
means knowing what all is out there and which is most appropriately applied
to a given situation.

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