Posted by Kimmo Laine on 03/09/07 13:10
"Cord-Heinrich Pahlmann" <SPAM@Heineken2000.de> wrote in message
> I use @() and the script seems to work.
"seems to work" as in "it doesn't produce error notices anymore". I'd like
to know if there was actually difference in error reporting level between
old and new install. Maybe the problem has existed in the previous version
as well, it just hasn't echoed any warnings about it because of different
error reporting settings.
Suppressing error messages is not fixing a problem if you ask me. If there
in fact is a bug then you should do something about it, not just pretend
it's not there. Also, using pow(2,32) as a constant is dumb, you should
calculate the real value of it (ie. 4294967296) and use that, always
calculating the value of a constant just uses unnecessary computer cycles
and slows down the performance a tad.
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