Reply to Re: [PHP] On large application organization [long and possibly boring]

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Posted by Jason Barnett on 01/07/05 02:20

Jamie Alessio wrote:
>>> Correct me if I am wrong, but includes (and/or requires) will get all of
>>> the code in all of the cases regardless if the case is being processed.
> You're wrong. The include() and require() statements are only evaluated
> when they are reached in your application code, so there is a big
> difference between your two examples. In you use the second example the
> code will only be included by PHP if the application logic enters the
> case statement that contains the include() statement. Here's a quick
> example to demonstrate this:

That was what I thought also. However just to add to the confusion: I
think require'd files were evaluated no matter what back in PHP4. Even
if they were part of a conditional. At least that's my recollection of
it; I haven't used PHP4 since 4.3.2 ;)

Bottom line: I always require_once at the top of a file for any files
that I will require. No sense in doing anything else if the required
files aren't there. For conditionally including files include_once()
has always made the most sense to me.

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