Posted by Jochem Maas on 09/30/90 11:07
I was playing around with call_user_func_array() and array_map() on
PHP 5.0.2 (cli) (built: Nov 9 2004 19:00:36) and noticed the that
calling call_user_func_array() on 'array_map' with more than 2 args
(i.e. more than just the name of the callback and array
argument that are required for 'array_map') then a numerically indexed array
is returned, where as with just the minimum 2 args the associative keys of array
are maintained:
question is have I missed something, am I doing something wrong or it this
a 'buglet'?
function array_map_assoc($callback, $arr)
$keys = array_keys($arr);
$args = func_get_args();
$arr = call_user_func_array("array_map", $args);
/* return the fixed array */
return $arr;
// couldn't figure out how else
// to use a single quote with php -r in a bash shell
$sq = chr(39);
// start array
$arr1 = array( "name" => "\"{$sq}Testing{$sq}\"",
"email" => "\"Yadda{$sq}s \"YADDa\"<script language={$sq}Testing{$sq} source={$sq}{$sq}></script>\"");
$arr2 = array_map_assoc("strip_tags", $arr1);
$arr3 = array_map_assoc("htmlentities", $arr2, array( ENT_QUOTES, ENT_QUOTES ));
$arr4 = array_map_assoc("htmlentities", $arr2);
$arr5 = array_map_assoc("strip_tags", $arr1, array( "<p>", "<p>" ));
echo "-----\n\n";
var_dump($arr1, $arr2, $arr3, $arr4, $arr5);
array(2) {
string(11) ""'Testing'""
string(63) ""Yadda's "YADDa"<script language='Testing' source=''></script>""
array(2) {
string(11) ""'Testing'""
string(17) ""Yadda's "YADDa"""
array(2) {
string(31) ""'Testing'""
string(42) ""Yadda's "YADDa"""
array(2) {
string(21) ""'Testing'""
string(37) ""Yadda's "YADDa"""
array(2) {
string(11) ""'Testing'""
string(17) ""Yadda's "YADDa"""
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