Posted by Mickey on 03/12/07 19:32
On Mar 12, 6:54 pm, Chris Hope <blackh...@electrictoolbox.com> wrote:
> You don't need to convert it. If you have three variables, for example
> $year, $month and $day, all you need to do is this:
> "INSERT INTO sometable (..., mydatefield) VALUES
> (..., '$year-$month-$day')"
> There are better ways of doing this but at its most simple that will
> work. Of course you need to be aware of sql injection if your values
> come from a form post, and the $month and $day variables need to be
> zero padded.
> To then utilise the database value from your SELECT query you can use
> strtotime() to convert it to a timestamp and date() to format you as
> you require, but there are limitations on the date range. You may be
> better to use the database's date formatting functions to have it
> formatted as you would like it displayed.
> --
> Chris Hope |www.electrictoolbox.com|www.linuxcdmall.com
Thanks for the reply Chris.
I also just found this which may be of help to someone else.
Thanks again.
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