Reply to Re: Paypal Command Options?

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Posted by Henry Schmidt on 03/13/07 01:43

Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> On 12 Mar 2007 17:20:59 GMT, PerfectReign
> <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 12 Mar 2007 17:00:08 +0000, a rock fell the sky, hitting Henry
>> Schmidt on the head, and inspiring the following:
>>>> Who ever said I had a problem paying <Diaperdolt is embarrassed about
>>>> being on public assistance>The diaperboi can't get a J.O.B. he's too
>>>> stoopid for anything except
>>> licking toilets clean with his hairy tongue. But the health dept has a
>>> problem with people with herpes (like diaperdolt) like public toilets
>>> spreading his germs and $hit.
>>> He's on SSI for his assorted mental disabilities.
>> Boy, hatter. You got yourself a real serious fanboi there.
>> Wouldn't be surprised if he/she/it has got your picture up on his mirror.
>> Enjoy!
> I fee<Diaperboi whines about his latest beating at my hands and how much he'd like some monkey c0ck right about now>
Maybe if your mom wasn't also your grandma and you were beaten about the
head with aluminum bats as a child you might not be nearly retarded as
you currently are.

How's your new master Non-Vaalid treating ya, diaperdolt.

[Back to original message]

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