Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/13/07 11:31
dino d. wrote:
>> address or even the port number on your machine that's accessing
>> eBay's server -- data which you don't store remotely. If these don't
>> match they might ask you to re-authenticate.
> thanks for all the replies. let me ask a specific follow up- the
> sequence of events goes like this:
> a) user types their username and password into a browser, and clicks
> submit over an SSL connection
> b) user then is brought to a non-ssl connection, where they click
> something like "edit password"
> c) user is brought to a "change password" page, which is an SSL
> connection
> it seems to me that in step b, a hacker could catch the session,
> correct? so are we to assume that ebay is doing something in addition
> to sessions, such as IP recording, etc.?
> thanks again,
> dino
Who knows? I doubt anyone on this list is familiar with EBay's code.
So why not ask them?
But this also has nothing to do with PHP. It could be any language.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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