Reply to Re: auto delete file after download

Your name:


Posted by Steve on 03/14/07 17:07

no problem.

best wishes.

"kick ass" <> wrote in message
| I'm almost finished.
| I decided to give user the option to answer "yes" or "no" on question "Did
| you download your file successfuly?"
| If he has pressed "yes", I get notification in my db and then I can choose
| if I want to delete file or not.
| Later I will also do the expiration script.
| Thanks for your help.
| "Steve" <> wrote in message
| news:KCAJh.32$oI2.3@newsfe05.lga...
| >
| > "kick ass" <> wrote in message
| > news:et6ge1$p9j$
| > | Thanks,
| > | What you are saying makes sense to me.
| > | I will shortly explain what I am trying to do:
| > |
| > | On my page all users have they own username and password.
| > | When I translate some document, I upload that document into specific
| > users
| > | 'mailbox' on my website. So when user logs in, he can see the list of
| > files
| > | I uploaded for him and he can download them.
| > | I will not attempt to delete file after download any more, as you
| > it's
| > | not a good idea.
| > | Now, since I keep tracking changes that user makes in my database
| > when
| > | I upload file, it is recorded in database), I would like to do the
| > tracking
| > | of downloaded files.
| > | So when user downloads the file, I would like the php script to insert
| > that
| > | record into database
| > | (i.e. RECORD_NO:216, USER: some_user, DATE OF DOWNLOAD:13.03.2007.,
| > | FILE_DOWNLOADED: some_filename).
| > | In that way, I could visit my website once a week and even manualy
| > delete
| > | files that user "took away" to his computer.
| > | Is this possible to do in some way, or is it too complicated?
| > |
| > | Thanks for your efforts
| >
| > you're welcome...and, it's not too complicated at all. i'd take a two
| > pronged approach. i've described the expiration method already. i'd also
| > allow the user to manually delete files that are no longer of their
| > interest. they may see them as clutter in their 'mailbox'. giving them
| > ability to delete them is just good etiquette on your part.
| >
| > i'd not actually delete the files if you plan on
| > mark them as 'inactive' or something and don't display them again. that
| > way,
| > depending on the nature/importance, of what is being communicated, your
| > report showing the communications will be more valuable...especially if
| > the
| > authenticisty of the downloaded doc comes into question i.e. altered
| > (important for contracts, bol's, sla's, rfp's etc.)
| >
| > anyway, i get the impression that you're comfortable with the db stuff
| > i
| > won't go into all that. i would however, still suggest that you run your
| > expiration script in an automated fashion (like on a cron job). you can
| > still build in the ability for you to manually expire stuff too.
| >
| > anyway, hth.
| >
| >

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