Posted by shror on 03/15/07 12:53
On Mar 15, 3:28 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
> shror wrote:
> > i want to add a midi file to my pages and i want to put two radio
> > buttons so that on is on and the other is off so that the users can
> > start or stop the file playing by choosing one of the radio buttons,
> > but the problem is that i dont know how to do it.
> > does any body know how this could be done
> > Thanks in advance for your help
> > shror
> >www.s7els7.com
> You can't do it in PHP. PHP is server side - it knows nothing about
> buttons being clicked on the client until the user submits the form.
> And once that form is submitted, PHP still can't affect the player on
> the client machine. That would be a huge security hole.
> You might be able to do it with javascript - but I doubt it. I haven't
> looked into the api's for the various players, so I don't know what you
> can and can't do client-side.
> But why bother? Players have their own start and stop buttons.
> --
> ==================
> Remove the "x" from my email address
> Jerry Stuckle
> JDS Computer Training Corp.
> jstuck...@attglobal.net
> ==================
the idea is that am implementing an ecard system to my company and
they told me to add music option to the cards, so i found this website
http://www.christianet.com/cgi-bin/ecards.cgi and i liked the idea but
i dont know how its working, so thats why i was asking.
anyway thanx for telling me about checking javascripts i was not
looking at the situation that its a clinet side, thanks for directing
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