Posted by Eric Layman on 03/19/07 22:25
"Adrienne Boswell" <arbpen@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Eric Layman" <namyalcire[at no
> spam]gmail.com> writing in news:1174271962_13167@sp6iad.superfeed.net:
>> hi, i was going thru some source of some sites and i noticed that some
>> of them has the following under the header tag. these tags usually
>> exists in xhtml documents.can any kind souls explain what does the
>> following html does? or any good reference to read up on?Thanks. <link
>> rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
>> <link rel="contents" href="index.php" />
>> <link rel="index" href="ref.array.php" />
>> <link rel="prev" href="function.ksort.php" />
>> <link rel="next" href="function.natcasesort.php" />
> Shortcut Icon - the little image next to the url in the menu bar
> The others, for UAs that support it, provides a menu bar in the browser.
> I know that Opera supports it, and Firefox with an extension. I'm sure
> there are others. The contents might refer to a sitemap, prev would be
> previous document in a group of documents, next, next document, etc.
> This information can also be useful for search engines.
> --
> Adrienne Boswell at Home
> Arbpen Web Site Design Services
> http://www.cavalcade-of-coding.info
> Please respond to the group so others can share
Thanks Adrienne.
May I know what does UA stands for?
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