Posted by boclair on 03/21/07 00:31
ten wrote:
> I have a page with images and when you click on a thumb a larger image
> opens. When the larger image opens the previous thumbs are not on the page
> so it makes it a little awkward to navigate to the next image because I have
> to go back with my browser back button, and then from the thumb page I click
> on the next image for the larger image, then again the back button, etc..,
> etc..
> Is there a standard bit of code I can use to create previous and next links
> on the larger image page?
> thanks
Is the problem with the navigation design? Is there some reason why ALL
thumbnails, except the one for the displayed image, are not in the menu
But to answer the question, with some provisos, if you wish to access
the cached previous pre-processed file place a javascript activated
"previous" link on the page
<input type="button" value="previous image" onclick="history.go(-1)">
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