Posted by Thorak on 03/21/07 20:23
OK... been workin on this for a couple days now - driving me nuts...
but I did manage to sort out one thing in all this time.
I can use session data from another user (we have multiple people
using the same system at our shop - therefore the data structure
itself is the same, just different values). Anyways... The script
listed above gives the timeout warning only if the user has another
page on the site open that is using the same session. If i hard code
in a different session number in the header 'Cookie:' area that
exists in PHP's session dir then it works fine - information fills
into the forms, no timeout errors etc.
To check this I started an new session on my machine and tried to run
my script -> Timeout error.
So i went to the PHP Session dir and found the
'sess_c32fc53d15e03ba25f1ad6be035a7eb1' file and copied it to a new
one with the name of 'sess_c32fc53d15e03ba25f1ad6be035a7eb2' (just
changed the last digit).
I hard coded this new number into the Cookie: header line again and
voila - all works fine. Change the hard coded Cookie: to the original
number and it times out.
Any ideas???
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