Posted by MZ on 03/22/07 21:02
Uytkownik "MZ" <marcinzmyslowski@poczta.onet.pl> napisa w wiadomoci
> Uzytkownik "Gary Hasler" <garyhasler@thelogconnection.com> napisal w
> wiadomosci news:4602E907.194DD2A@thelogconnection.com...
>> "K." wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> Could you be so kind and help me with one problem I have.
>>> I would like to put an image into the table while creating PDF file. I
>>> use
>>> fpdf class (www.fpdf.org).
>>> I cannot find any example in internet and group archieves and
>>> www.fpdf.org
>>> page.
>> Say what? It's right there in the Manual under "Image".
>> Also in the tutorials--see #2.
>> Example:
>> $this->Image('logo_pb.png',10,8,33);
> I knew this solution, but this code $this->Image('logo_pb.png',10,8,33)
> doesn`t work when I put this into the table.
> I would like to put image into the 4th column
> $this->Cell($w[0],6,$wiersz["pozycja_aktualna"],'LR');
> $this->Cell($w[1],6,$wiersz["pozycja_poprzednia"],'LR');
> $this->Cell($w[2],6,$wiersz_il_tyg["ilosc_tyg"],'LR',0,'R');
> $this->Cell($w[3],6,$ile_oczek_gora_dol,'LR',0,'R');
> $this->Cell($w[4],6,'A','LR',0,'R');
> $this->Ln();
> but when I replace code
> $this->Cell($w[4],6,'A','LR',0,'R');
> on/for:
> $image_photo=$this->Image('logo_pb.png',10,8,33);
> $this->Cell($w[4],$image_photo,'LR',0,'R');
> or
> $this->Cell($w[4],$this->Image('logo_pb.png',10,8,33);,'LR',0,'R');
> both of two ways don`t work, and I don`t know why
> How to write the right code to make it work?
> Thank you in advance for help
> Marcin
OK. I found out about it myself.
Here is the resolution:
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