Reply to Re: [OT-ish] FF: weird 'view source' problem, PHP session lost

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Posted by peter on 03/23/07 15:32

> Looks like my hypothesis about re-requesting the page is correct: I
> checked
> my webservers accesslog, and find excactly what you would expect for a new
> request: 2 new line are added for each time I click 'view source'.
> - the first is a 302 (created by the Location header)
> - the second is a 200 (the loginpage)
> This happens every time I click 'view source'.
> Why is FF doing this?
> I am shooting in the dark here. :-/

I have just tried running the following code and seeing what the results

echo rand();

Every time i veiwed the source it contained the same random number as when I
requested the page (tried several times refreshing so a new number was
generated). The chance of this happening if it was requesting a new page for
the source is 2147483647 to 1 on my system so I highly doubt that is
happening. The only thing I can suggest is your header is not actually
taking place OR you have a firefox extension that is causing the page to be
rerequested before it shows you the source.

[Back to original message]

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