Posted by R. Vince on 03/26/07 17:52
I have a page, which writes a cookie, creating two frames. I have verified
via Fireplug that the cookie is being written. In one of the frames, an
attempt then is made to read the cookie. Therein, I have code to see if the
cookie is set -- and it keeps telling me it is not set (despite my being
able to see it there, and it;s contents, and it is correct). Can someone
please tell me why, in this code, my frame connot read this cookie? Thanks.
//here is the page that creates the cookie, and establishes the frames
$user= $_POST['user'];
$server= $_POST['server'];
$port= $_POST['port'];
$channel= $_POST['channel'];
$email= $_POST['email'];
$fullname= $_POST['fullname'];
$sk= $_POST['sk'];
$voice= $_POST['voice'];
$usevoice= $_POST['usevoice'];
$password= $_POST['password'];
$timer = md5(time());
$info = $user . "+" . $server . "+" . $port. "+" . $channel. "+"
..$email. "+" .$fullname. "+" .$sk. "+" .$voice. "+" .$usevoice. "+"
SetCookie("vios", $info, time() + 86400 * 10); //Set Cookie for 10
<TITLE>VIOS Demonstration</TITLE>
<frameset rows="320,*">
<!--<frame src="ggadmintop.html" name="main" marginwidth="1"
marginheight="1"> -->
<frame src="viostop.php" name="top" scrolling="no" noresize
FRAMEBORDER="0" BORDER="0" FRAMESPACING="0" marginwidth="1"
echo "<frame
name=\"bottom\" marginwidth=\"1\" scrolling=\"no\" noresize
FRAMEBORDER=\"0\" BORDER=\"0\" FRAMESPACING=\"0\" marginheight=\"1\">";
<p>This web page uses frames, but your
browser doesn't support them.</p>
//and here is the frame that attempts to then read the cookie:
if (!(isset($vios))) {
echo "cookie not set in browser.";
$sidarray = explode("+", "$vios");
$user= $sidarray[0];
$server= $sidarray[1];
$port= $sidarray[2];
$channel= $sidarray[3];
$email= $sidarray[4];
$sk= $sidarray[6];
$voice= $sidarray[7];
$usevoice= $sidarray[8];
$password= $sidarray[9];
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