Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/28/07 12:38
chadlupkes wrote:
> On Mar 27, 8:24 am, Toby A Inkster <usenet200...@tobyinkster.co.uk>
> wrote:
>> chadlupkes wrote:
>>> I'm getting NULLs where there shouldn't be.
>> To determine that, we'd need to see some of the data.
>>> king_precinct
>> You've not given us a schema for this table.
>> --
>> Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
>> Contact Me ~http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
>> Geek of ~ HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python*/Apache/Linux
>> * = I'm getting there!
> Sorry! king_precinct is the same as the precinct table. Forgot to
> adjust it in both locations.
> And since this is a PHP forum, which Jerry reminded me of, here is the
> code I'm trying to get to work:
> echo('<html>
> <head>
> <title>Precincts in King County</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <table border="1">
> <tr>
> <th>Precinct Number</th>
> <th>Precinct Name</th>
> <th>County Council District</th>
> <th>Congressional District</th>
> <th>Legislative District</th>
> <th>PCO Name</th>
> <th>PCO Type</th>
> </tr>
> ');
> $link_id = db_connect('wa46dems_data');
> $result = mysql_query("SELECT king_precinct.precinct_number AS
> precinct_number, king_precinct.precinct_name AS precinct_name,
> king_precinct.legdist AS legdist, king_precinct.countydist AS
> countydist, king_precinct.congdist AS congdist, pcolist.name AS name,
> pcolist.type AS type
> FROM king_precinct LEFT JOIN pcolist
> ON king_precinct.precinct_number = pcolist.precinct
> ORDER BY precinct_name", $link_id);
> while($pct_data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
> $precinct_number = $pct_data["precinct_number"];
> $precinct_name = $pct_data["precinct_name"];
> $precinct_cc = $pct_data["countydist"];
> $precinct_cd = $pct_data["congdist"];
> $precinct_ld = $pct_data["legdist"];
> $precinct_pco_name = $query_data["name"];
> $precinct_pco_email = $query_data["email"];
> $precinct_pco_private = $query_data["private"];
> $precinct_pco_type = $query_data["type"];
> echo('
> <tr>
> <td>'.$precinct_number.'</td>
> <td><a href="precinctmap.php?pct='.$precinct_number.'">'.
> $precinct_name.'</a></td>
> <td>'.$precinct_cc.'</td>
> <td>'.$precinct_cd.'</td>
> <td>'.$precinct_ld.'</td>
> <td>'.$precinct_pco_name.'</td>
> <td>'.$precinct_pco_type.'</td>
> </tr>');
> }
> echo('</table>');
(Top posting fixed)
PHP isn't going to affect whether your SQL code returns null values or
not. If a particular row contains a null, you'll get a null back from
your sql. And since you're doing a left join, if there is no matching
row in pcolist you will get nulls for all values there.
And you're still asking about the SQL, not PHP. You need to be asking
in a SQL newsgroup - you'll get much better help on your SQL question.
And please don't top post.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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