Posted by Klaus on 03/28/07 13:34
Hi all,
after I run 2 days now for a non function php-wiki I found the
function which break my wiki.
There was a @dba_open in the script which do not return an error
OK. I removed the @ and got:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function dba_open()
OK, fine.
My idea is now simply to get an extension which includes this dba_open
But which extension I have to use???
I have an extension directory which contains a lot of .so files. Not
I use Linux (Suse 10.1) and the php is not containing the right one??
Maybe there is something must be reconfigured or some ini files to
enable the dba
I have inserted phpinfo to the wiki and got a lot of information. If
you need some details I could give you the information.
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