Posted by NC on 03/28/07 17:32
On Mar 27, 11:17 am, "lister" <listerofsme...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have a fairly diverse range of data that I want to cache in the
> session rather than pulling it from the database on every page
> refresh.
Consider enabling query cache in the database instead. In terms of
disk operations, it's going to be the same or faster (reading from
the DB vs. reading from a file where session information is stored);
in terms of CPU time, much easier (no serialization/unserialization
> This has put me in the worrying situation of having to "require"
> pretty much every class definition in my project on every page, and
> I'm concerned about the performance impact this is going to have due
> to PHP having to parse reams of code every time.
> Are there any elegant ways around this?
Yes. Opcode caching. PHP can be configured to cache the
bytecode, so it doesn't have to go back to the source files, unless
they have been modified.
> Am I worrying over nothing?
Most likely.
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