Posted by Geoff Muldoon on 03/29/07 00:15 says...
> I currently use Eclipse for creating the PHP application, which is
> great for editing but quite slow when using FTP. But when im testing i
> like to use CuteFTP Pro for quicky editing and seeing the results. Im
> getting fed up with CuteFTP as its really flakey.
> I am looking for a simiar application like CuteFTP that has an inbuilt
> editor but can not find one, every one I have looked at uses a
> different application to edit.
> Can anyone recomend a FTP editor that works well with quickly editing
> PHP web applications?
Crimson Editor.
Syntax highlighting.
Can open remote files over FTP connection.
An editor with FTP capabilities rather than an FTP app with editing
Geoff M
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