Posted by theGerm on 03/29/07 17:15
On Mar 29, 11:34 am, Toby A Inkster <>
> theGerm wrote:
> > Is it possible for me to restart a service with PHP? I need to run
> > this from a webpage
> > /sbin/service squid reload
> You can run that using PHP's system() function:
> <?php system("/sbin/service squid reload"); ?>
> However, normally "/sbin/service X" is just a shortcut to running
> "/etc/init.d/X" and if you take a look at the permissions for the contents
> of the "/etc/init.d/" directory, they'll mostly be only executable by
> root. (And the web server doesn't run as root!)
> So the initial reaction is to just change the permissions on
> "/etc/init.d/squid" to allow non-root users to run it. That won't work
> though.
> What you'd need to do is use "sudo" to allow whatever user Apache runs
> under (normally the user is called "httpd", "apache" or "nobody") to be
> able to run "/etc/init.d/squid".
> --
> Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
> Contact Me ~
> Geek of ~ HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python*/Apache/Linux
> * = I'm getting there!
I have this
<?php system("sudo /etc/init.d/squid reload 2>&1"); ?>
on that page I just see text - Password:
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