Posted by -Lost on 03/30/07 02:06
"Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote in message news:mbZOh.532$vJ5.348@newsfe12.lga...
> "-Lost" <missed-spam@comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:obydncE5nPSgwJHbnZ2dnUVZ_sudnZ2d@comcast.com...
> | "Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote in message
> news:KvWOh.43$qe1.9@newsfe04.lga...
> | >| The code is thus:
> | >
> | > the code is this?
> | >
> | > ;^)
> |
> | http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=thus
> |
> | 1 and 5.
> |
> | Neener neener neener! : P
> NO, NO, NO !!!
> it is the part of speech you're having problems with. 'thus' is an ADVERB,
> 'this' is a PRONOUN. the word in question is the direct object of a
> sentence...which we all know must be either a NOUN or, you guessed it, a
> 'thus', i am correct...and 'the code is this.'
> | > | if($_POST)
> | > | {
> | > | foreach($_POST as $index => $value)
> | > | {
> | > | print $index . ' : ' . $value . '<br />' . "\n";
> | > | }
> | > | }
> | >
> | > how about this instead? ;^)
> | >
> | > print_r($_POST)
> |
> | Sure. Dumped it that way initially. Still no change.
> ok...just k.i.s.s for me. ;^)
K.I.S.S.'d just for you.
http://foomanchu.com/test_for_js_server-side.htm is the form (with metas).
http://foomanchu.com/test_for_js_server-side.php has *THIS* code:
<br />
<a href="test_for_js_server-side.htm">back</a>
....and that is *everything.*
> | > | That is it.
> | > |
> | > | At one point I did however set a Cache-Control and Expires header in
> the
> | > script first.
> | >
> | > however, no, that is not it. the code that generates the html with the
> form
> | > that is doing the posting.
> | >
> | > | > from your description, the problem is with your code...not your
> browser.
> | > |
> | > | See above.
> | >
> | > see above.
> |
> | OK, if I understood that correctly, I need to set the headers via the meta
> tag in my HTML
> | not in the PHP at all?
> just show me the code (if there is any) that produces the html from which
> your form is defined and submitted. right now, based on your description, i
> think the problem is with your code and NOT with caching. so, let's start
> simply first. we'll go on from there.
See above. : )
> | Thanks for bearing this with patience (until I catch up).
> no biggie. ;^)
> | NOTE!: Um... I just noticed it is not doing it anymore! The only thing I
> have done is
> | update:
> |
> | Firefox from to
> | NoScript extension to the latest version.
> |
> | (No, I refuse to upgrade to Firefox 2.x. (Yet.))
> |
> | Now I am really confused. Everything is now working as if setting the
> headers via meta in
> | my HTML worked. (And for the record I do not set anymore cache headers
> via PHP. I am
> | just print_r'ing $_POST.)
> are you sure that was all that was changed? if so, please post all the
> details for my future reference (in case i or someone else has the problem
> again).
In the exact order:
The last update was to the HTML (form page). I added:
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT" />
<meta http-equiv="pragma-directive" content="no-cache" />
Nothing else. I continued refreshing and playing with it.
Turn JavaScript on, submit, get true.
Turn JavaScript off, submit, sometimes get true again.
Refresh a thousand times (with JavaScript off) and finally get false.
The main problem here was it showing me true, after turning JavaScript back off.
Then: updated Firefox and NoScript (and HTML Validator).
Came back from eating sushi, played with it, and saw that it updated each time.
Turn JavaScript on, submit, get true.
Turn JavaScript off, submit, get false.
Hope that was clear enough (because I still don't know what cleared it up).
Thanks again.
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