Posted by Steve Poe on 03/30/07 18:50
On Mar 29, 8:49 pm, "Aerik" <asyl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 29, 8:29 pm, "Steve Poe" <steve....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > sure, you can script on the client using what is called active
> > > > scripting.
> > > > its nice and familiar, so you would either
> > > > 1) have your script one once per day and upload any images not already
> > > > uploaded from a set of folders
> > > > 2) configure explorer so you can right click and select upload image,
> > > > your php script would be run in the bvackground with argument such as
> > > > c:\path\to\php -r "%1"
> > > > and it would do the rest.
> > > > Why not use FTP if you are scripting this, as it will be nice and
> > > > robust and can interact is a predicatable way with your fileserver -
> > > > providing it can have an ftp serve running on it, like filezilla
> > > > server.
> > > oops I should have added, that if you have a few computers you need to
> > > install this on you could use NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install
> > > System)http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Pagetowrapup everything
> > > including the script that makes the right click functionality between
> > > tiffs and the php script, and distribute that.
> > Thanks for your help (and the link). I am not familar with
> > implementing
> > FTP through PHP. It's mainly PHP with HTML forms. The PHP app runs on
> > a
> > Linux box (hopefully this does not matter) and I believe it also has
> > ftp access. At this point, there will only be one computer that the
> > PHP application will need to automatically load
> > the TIF image. The file will be saved in a directory called xrays off
> > of the C:\
> > drive.
> > Steve
> Hi Steve -
> Would it suit your requirement to hard code the path into the file
> upload box? The user still has to click "upload" but will not have to
> find the file each time.
> Aerik
Hard-coding would solve this since the file name would be
the same each time, I could change the name of the
button "process image" instead of upload but it would still
grab the image locally. How would you hard-code the location?
In my example, the xray will be stored in c:\xrays_images and the file
will be called xray.tif.
Thanks for the feedback.
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