Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/30/07 20:46
strawberry wrote:
> On Mar 30, 3:12 am, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> strawberry wrote:
>>> On Mar 29, 6:44 pm, "strawberry" <zac.ca...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Mar 29, 5:01 pm, "J.O. Aho" <u...@example.net> wrote:
>>>>> strawberry wrote:
>>>>>> I recently moved a mysql database and its associated php scripts from
>>>>>> one machine to another.
>>>>>> Now, however, although no errors are displayed, some aspects of the
>>>>>> php interface no longer work properly.
>>>>>> I suspect the problem is connected with my use of $PHP_SELF within
>>>>>> some of the pages.
>>>>>> I replaced "$PHP_SELF" with "$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']" which (I think) is
>>>>>> more widely supported but the problem still persists. Is there some
>>>>>> aspect of my php configuration that I should look at with respect to
>>>>>> this kind of problem?
>>>>> If you are using CGI, then $_SERVER[] won't work, if you use ISS you may note
>>>>> have full functionality in $_SERVER[].
>>>>> As you don't tell anything about the web server, we can't be sure on what goes
>>>>> wrong.
>>>>> --
>>>>> //Aho
>>>> It's just a recent xampp installation on a windows xp machine - so an
>>>> apache web server.- Hide quoted text -
>>>> - Show quoted text -
>> (it's nice to see a question of yours I can answer - I've learned a lot
>> from you :-) ).
>> $PHP_SELF only works if you have register_globals enabled in your
>> php.ini (a VERY BAD idea). You should be using $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
>> instead.
>> From your later posting it seems $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] is working. So I
>> suspect your old server had register_globals enabled but your new one
>> doesn't.
>> --
>> ==================
>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>> Jerry Stuckle
>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>> jstuck...@attglobal.net
>> ==================
> Likewise Jerry :-)
> OK, I've updated all the relevant scripts (I think), replacing
> $PHP_SELF with $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] - but it still didn't work :-(
> So, then I did a bad thing. I switched on register_globals. Now it
> works, but obviously we're shortly going to become the plaything of
> every mundane-data-obsessed evil geek on the planet.
> Any more thoughts?
> Thanks
Yes, I agree with Paul. Someplace you missed one or more entries. Do
you have an editor which can do a multiple file search? I've found it's
almost imperative when working on sites.
The other thing is - $PHP_SELF probably isn't the only variable coded
this way. $_POST, $_GET, $_SESSION and $_COOKIE variables could also be
a potential problem.
It's not easy to find all the places register_globals affects. But you
really should get them all out. I've found really the only sure-fire
way to do this is to go through the code line by line. It's time
consuming, but it works better than trying to troubleshoot all the
errors they can cause. The good news is you *can* do this after you go
live, then when you get them all fixed you can turn off register_globals.
But I think it's better to do it before you go live.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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