Posted by hansBKK on 04/02/07 08:59
OK, at the risk of driving all of you (and myself) nuts, here are some more
questions, sorry if there's some overlaps I missed in my earlier hysteria,
I'd composed these earlier when I was feeling saner:
Is there a way to have script-sent emails come from a specified Return-path
email address in the mod_php environment, or do they **have to** come from
nobody/Apache/web user?
Next area - phpsuexec, suExec, SUhosin and suphp - I've mostly seen these
discussed relative to CGI mode. If my host is running php as a module, then
is it safe for me to ignore these, or should I also ask if they are using
any of these?
What should I be looking for in regards to open_basedir and
register_globals? I believe the former can't be switched locally, only
server-wide right? And I believe I should look for a host that allows me to
switch register_globals? Along with things like memory_limit, magic_quotes,
upload-related variables, etc.
Some hosts state that their customers can choose to run either v4 or 5, by
simply changing the file extension on the scripts - e.g. *.php runs version
4, use *.php5 to run v5. This seems like a good thing, right?
What accelerator(s) should I be looking for - good performance without
causing problems?
Finally, if the host will give me access to phpinfo(), can I figure out for
myself how all these factors are configured on their servers without my
having to ask them such a long list of questions?
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