Reply to Re: Stored procedures, MySQL, and PHP

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 04/03/07 01:51

eholz1 wrote:
> On Apr 2, 9:10 am, Jerry Stuckle <> wrote:
>> eholz1 wrote:
>>> Hello PHP group,
>>> Could someone help me out? I have PHP 5.2, Apache 2.0, and MySQL 5.0
>>> running on Linux (Redhat Fedora Core 6).
>>> All that works fine. I would like to be able to "call" a stored
>>> procedure from a PHP program, and
>>> run a stored procedure. I have yet to figure out the proper way to do
>>> this. My stored procedures work fine from the mysql command line
>>> using syntax: "call sp_min_record (101);"
>>> But when I try to do the same thing within my PHP page - no luck I get
>>> an error.
>>> Here is my stored procedure code:
>>> DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `portfolios`.`sp_min_record` $$
>>> CREATE DEFINER=`ewh`@`localhost` PROCEDURE
>>> `portfolios`.`sp_min_record`
>>> (IN folio INT)
>>> SELECT MIN(id) INTO minr FROM images3 WHERE p = folio;
>>> END$$
>>> and here is how I am trying to call it from php:
>>> $dbconnect = db_connect('portfolios') or trigger_error("Error
>>> Connecting to Database: "
>>> . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
>>> $help = @mysql_query("call sp_min_record ($folio)");
>>> $rowx = @mysql_fetch_assoc($help);
>>> $minrec = $rowx[0];
>>> but I get no value returned. How am I supposed to do this
>>> (correctly :))?
>>> Thanks,
>>> eholz1
>> First of all, get rid of the '@' characters. Then check the results of
>> mysql_query to see if you got an error. If so, print the error and see
>> what's actually happening.
>> Pet Peeve: Why do people disable error reporting with '@', don't check
>> the results of their calls, then come asking why it isn't working?
>> --
>> ==================
>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>> Jerry Stuckle
>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>> ==================
> Hello Jerry et al,
> removed the offending @'s!! No error messages. No results either!
> It seems that my query (stored procedure is not really being called
> correctly from my php code. As I mentioned earlier, it produces a
> result from the mysql command line. I could cheat, and use the old
> "SELECT MIN(id) from table where val = 101;", but a stored procedure
> seems much cooler.

And what about the second half of my question - what is the result of
the query? Is mysql_query returning false? Or is it returning a result
set? And if the former, what's the error (hint: mysql_error()).

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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