Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 04/03/07 01:52
Justin Voelker wrote:
> On Apr 2, 2:48 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> Justin.Voelker wrote:
>>> On Apr 2, 1:16 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>>> Justin.Voelker wrote:
>>>>> Can anyone clue me on on how to have my html page continue rendering
>>>>> past a MySQL error? If you visitwww.Base2WebDesign.com, click login,
>>>>> type in anything for a username and password, then view the page
>>>>> source. You will see that the page displays the error then just stops
>>>>> rendering the html. (I know what the error is, I deleted that table
>>>>> on purpose for a simple way to show you what I would like fixed.)
>>>>> This doesn't cause any problems on this particular page (other than it
>>>>> fails vailidation) but I some of my website I have other information
>>>>> below those errors and even the remainder of the page. If it hits an
>>>>> error I would like the remainder of the page to still be displayed,
>>>>> just display the error and keep moving. Is there anyway to do this?
>>>>> Thank you so much for anyone that can help me out!
>>>> That depends. Why is the page stopping? A mysql error won't stop the
>>>> PHP code from running. You must be doing something to make it stop.
>>>> --
>>>> ==================
>>>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>>>> Jerry Stuckle
>>>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>>>> jstuck...@attglobal.net
>>>> ==================
>>> Right now my statements are as follows:
>>> $sql = "SELECT
>>> ul_id,ul_username,ul_password,ul_admin_level,ul_login_id FROM
>>> user_login WHERE ul_username='$vul_username'";
>>> $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
>>> Could I change the "or die" part so it would display the message but
>>> continue rendering the page?
>> It's doing exactly what you tell it to. You're telling the PHP code to
>> exit immediately, and it is.
>> You need to learn how to more gracefully handle errors. mysql_xxx calls
>> generally return false when they fail. You can test on this and echo an
>> error message.
>> How I wish there weren't so many bad tutorials out there!
>> --
>> ==================
>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>> Jerry Stuckle
>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>> jstuck...@attglobal.net
>> ==================
> I found a few other things to do. Now when there is no result, I call
> a function which displays this sort of message...
> 'mysql_errno($link) . ": " . mysql_error($link);' It's user friendly
> and eventually I will build in some logging that will send that info
> to a database for future reference (what page they were on, date,
> time, etc etc. My question to you is do you know of any other
> mysql_xxx($link) functions out there or is it just the error number
> and error message?
Nope, just error message and error number. But I've never needed
anything else, either.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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