Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 04/03/07 15:10
bill wrote:
> Toby A Inkster wrote:
>> bill wrote:
>>> I am stuck using 4.x because my hosting company does not have PHP5
>>> available, yet.
>>> What would be the php 4 code ?
>> I'm not really familiar with the MySQL functions in PHP, because I use a
>> decent database; and it's been a while since I upgraded away from PHP 4,
>> but it should be something like this:
>> <?php
>> $db = mysql_connect(/* connection settings */);
>> mysql_select_db($db, 'some_database');
>> mysql_query($db, "ALTER TABLE foobar ADD tempcol integer;");
>> $count = 0;
>> $rs = mysql_query($db, "SELECT order FROM foobar ORDER BY order;");
>> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs))
>> {
>> $count+=10;
>> mysql_query($db, sprintf("UPDATE foobar SET tempcol=%d WHERE
>> order=%d;"
>> $count, $row['order']));
>> }
>> mysql_query($db, "UPDATE foobar SET order=tempcol;");
>> mysql_query($db, "ALTER TABLE foobar DROP tempcol;");
>> unset($count, $rs);
>> ?>
> Many thanks - maybe I'll be able to use a "decent database".
> I have use DataFlex for many years and am transitioning to SQL and PHP.
> This is the first time that I have used a remote server.
> what is a decent database to use with PHP, and why ?
> bill
MySQL is a perfectly good database for use with PHP. It doesn't have
every bell and whistle some other databases have - but it's free, open
source and widely supported by hosting companies (more than any other
It's just that some Postgres users are biased.
But if you want a *good* database, I wouldn't even consider Postgres.
I'd go straight to DB2, Oracle or SQL Server. Of course, they'll cost
you a few thousand dollars...
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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