Reply to Re: Restrictions using "rename"

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Posted by Luciano on 04/08/07 01:21

I use Windows. Despite my interest in using Linux, it has not been
possible up to now. I am blind and softwares for blinds in Linux don't
reach the same level yet.

I don't know if Windows is restricting the access for that folder. In
respect to Apache, I don't know. How Could I verify the its settings?
In Apache, how could I give the permission for the Apache user?

"Perhaps, I'm not acquainted with this page, for that reason, I am not
sure if I pasted the message in the right place. I hope yes!"

Luciano de Souza

On 7 abr, 16:25, Jerry Stuckle <> wrote:
> Luciano wrote:
> > I have been programing in PHP recently. For this reason, I have lots
> > of basic doubts. Let's see one of then. I'm developing in the
> > localhost, so safety issues are not important. I have a script trying
> > to rename some local files, however, PHP reports an error. I don't
> > have permission to access that folder, therefore, it's not possible
> > to do this task.
> > I'm using pHP as a module of Apache (Apache2Triad). The variable
> > "open_basedir" in PHP.INI is empty. I don't know what to do to get the
> > permission.
> > By the way, I would like to have the power of doing everything with
> > PHP, without the safety restrictions. however, I don't know which
> > lines I should change.
> > If someone can help me, thanks very much!
> This generally means the OS security is restricting access, not PHP.
> What OS are you using? And does the Apache user have access to the
> directories and files in question?
> --
> ==================
> Remove the "x" from my email address
> Jerry Stuckle
> JDS Computer Training Corp.
> ==================

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