Posted by Desmond on 04/09/07 11:59
On 9 Apr, 12:38, "Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorp...@cs.tut.fi> wrote:
> Scripsit Desmond:
> > Is it possible to [s]et the bac[k]ground colour of text without setting
> > the
> > entire background.
> It depends on what you mean by background of text. You can set the
> background for an _element_, including pseudo-elements, not for text as
> such.
> > I have menu items and the current item is set at #777777 but setting
> > the background
> > to background: #99E7E7; sets the whole of the menu not just the text.
> > as in .....
> > #tabnav li
> > { margin: 0;
> > padding: 0;
> > display:list-item;
> > list-style-type: none;
> > /* background: #99E7E7; */
> > color: #777777;
> > }
> Why have you put the most important declaration in a comment?
> Anyway, <li> elements occupy the available width by default, and setting the
> background sets it for the element, not just for the text in it. So
> apparently you would like to make element's width smaller or to set
> background for an inner element that has a smaller width.
> What are you really trying to accomplish? This sounds like a navigational
> menu. Perhaps you should set some suitable width (say width: 5em) for all
> items in the menu. Or perhaps you should post the URL.
> --
> Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
Ok this is going to get messy. The original site had the menu on every
page, making changes difficult. but at least it kept the active menu
hi-lighted. I have taken out the menus on a test site and placed the
menu in a seperate file for inclusion. I can't get the site to
remember which menu item is the current one.
The original site is
the test site is
menu is controled by a style sheet using #tabnav a:link.active,
#tabnav a:visited.active
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